7 March


The big teaching point

John 18:1-14
When Jesus is arrested it looks like a bad plan is going to win; but Jesus has a better plan- to save all people everywhere.

Application for children

Chat with child your about:
Remember when we talked about Jesus having tea with his special friends? In our true story from the Bible today, we hear about something sad that happened after tea. It was night-time and they went to a garden together. A bad man came with some soldiers to find Jesus. They had big swords and lights because it was dark. It looked scary...

...but, Jesus knew what was going to happen and he wasn't afraid because he was in charge.

It looks like something terrible happened. Jesus was taken away by the soldiers. But, this was all part of God's plan. His plan is always to save people. Jesus did everything so that people who love him can be friends with him forever.


Dear God, thank you that Jesus is always in charge. Thank you that he does everything to make us his friends. Amen.


Read the story on p.482 in The Beginners Bible; or p.299 in The Jesus Storybook Bible.


Use a paper plate (or piece of paper) and draw a sad face. Talk about how Jesus’ friends would have been sad to see Jesus being taken away.

Note for parents: the Bible passages over the next few weeks are sad as Jesus goes to his death. Even though Jesus is always in charge in each situation, the sadness and confusion for the disciples was real. So the good news of Easter Sunday is coming…just not yet.


  • Jesus is the King