Thank you for considering giving to the ministry of Christ Church Fulwood
The church is entirely funded by the generous giving of the church family. Christian giving is motivated by our following the Lord Jesus who though rich, became poor and gave His life that we might come into the spiritual riches of a relationship with God and the certainty of eternal life.
Giving Monthly
Please setup a standing order with your bank using the details below then contact us using the form below. Thank you.
Account Name: Fulwood PCC General A/c
Account number: 56537667
Sort Code: 05-08-38
Heidi Beatson
Finance Support Assistant
Further Information
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, we can reclaim 25% of your gift (regular and one-off) from HMRC. If that’s the case, please complete a gift aid form, which you can download below.
Gift Aid Form
Payroll giving
This is a means of giving from your income before tax is deducted. Some employers will match an employee’s charitable giving so it is worth enquiring about your company’s policy. For more information, see the CAF website.
Regular Giving
If you can, please give by standing order. This is really helpful because it allows us to more accurately predict what giving we will receive and to plan accordingly. Please contact Heidi Beatson with details of the amount, date and frequency, so that we can properly identify your giving.
One-off gifts
You can easily give now using Give A Little by clicking the button below.
Alternatively, one-off gifts can be made by bank transfer or by cheque made payable to ‘Fulwood PCC’. Please contact Heidi Beatson with details of your gift so that we can properly identify it.
Leaving money in your will
In planning our legacy we should pray for God’s guidance. If you think that it might be appropriate to include Christ Church as one of the beneficiaries of your estate please do so when writing your will. If you would like to discuss this in confidence, please contact our Treasurer, Ronan Wade, in the first instance.
If you wish to change an existing will it is easy to make a codicil to add a legacy for a beneficiary. You can download a standard Codicil form for the purpose with some guidance notes by clicking here.