Resting in Jesus. Living for his glory.

Giving Sunday 2024

Giving Sunday

Join Us in Pursuing Christ
Our Vision

“To know and enjoy the transforming love of Jesus, and to make His love known to others, for His glory.”

On Vision Sunday, we reflected on what it means to pursue Christ: to “rest in Jesus and live for his glory.” When, as individuals and together as communities, we are transformed by his love, we find that, just as with a fountain, Christ is at work in us. As his greatly loved and forgiven people, we become enabled to expresses his love to others. 

Click here to find out more about our vision.

Giving Sunday is the time we are taking to ask everyone who considers Christ Church Fulwood to be their church family to consider prayerfully how they might respond to our vision through financial giving.

Join us!

We would like to invite you prayerfully to consider how you can contribute financially to our shared ministry. Whether through regular giving, one-off gifts, or legacy donations, every contribution helps us continue to serve and grow as a church family. Your giving will contribute firstly to the cost of our existing ministry costs – but it is our hope that our budget will be able to extend to include the appointment of new senior female role as the Minister for Pastoral Care. This will be key for developing our discipleship and pastoral care across the whole church family. To make this role sustainable in the long-term, we need to meet the forecast funding gap in full, ensuring that we first meet our existing ministry costs.

For some, circumstances might mean that they need to maintain or reduce their current levels of giving. If this applies to you, this is certainly the right response, and your contributions will go on playing a vital part in supporting our work together. For others, it is possible that the Lord has provided the means to increase former levels of giving or, perhaps, to begin giving for the first time. Whatever contribution you are willing and able to make – thank you!

Together, we can meet this challenge and see Jesus glorified in our community.

Here's how you can respond...

Please give thought to whether you can play your part in what God is doing at Christ Church Fulwood – and make your response as soon as you are ready. You can do this online or using the paper response forms at the back of church. It would help our planning if you were able to respond by 17 November or shortly afterwards.

Through these methods, you will be able to let us know your planned monthly giving and/or any one-off gifts you can make. You will also find the details needed should you wish to start giving to Fulwood for the first time.

Thank you for your prayers, generosity and your partnership on this journey!

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich,
yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
(2 Corinthians 8)


Please fill in the form below which will cover your response to the church’s ministry needs in 2025. Thank you.