Last update of 2021

Building for the Future update

With the contractor’s two-week Christmas break nearly upon us, here is the last BFTF progress update of 2021. What amazing progress has been achieved since the contractors arrived onsite at the end of April; we can really see the plans coming to life – Praise the Lord!

We encountered a few early challenges during the demolition work in the church centre. Thankfully, the asbestos in the ceiling has been safely removed and two days ahead of schedule as well. Work to re-configure the lounge kitchen area into a new office and store room is progressing well. The foundation for the lift-shaft has been prepared. We can now look forward to the remaining demolition work being completed in January. We’re also making good progress with re-configuring the office access on the first floor to accommodate the lift shaft.

The courtyard is looking really good and we can now see the shape of the new path which has also had its first layer of tarmac laid. Next the surrounding areas of the path will be grassed. There is one more thinner layer of tarmac to be laid, on top of which the final resin layer will be laid when the ambient temperature permits.

The rapid progress continues in the church building. Installation of the new light fittings is progressing and the font has now returned to the dais. Plastering and painting continues on a  daily basis. The toilet area in the south-west corner is progressing well and work on the first floor music office has also commenced. The secondary glazing for the south windows is scheduled to be installed just before Christmas followed by the kitchenette/servery which is expected to be fitted-out in early January.

Give thanks:

  • For the timely and safe removal of the asbestos in the church centre.
  • For the dedication and commitment of all of the sub-contractors working on the project.
  • For God’s wonderful guiding hand on this project and His wonderful provision as we see the project taking shape.

Please pray:

  • For a time of relaxation and refreshment for all of the contractor and subcontractor teams.
  • For a time of healing for our architect and the contract manager from T&C Williams, both of whom currently have health issues.
  • For the planning of the activities required for us to re-commission the church once it is handed back to us – there will be a lot to do.
  • God’s wisdom on how we will best use our refurbished facilities to bring glory to God and to share the good news to those who do not believe.