
We’d love to get to know you. We know it can be hard joining a new church so to help you get involved, please complete the form below and tick which areas you’d like to find out more about. We'd love to help you get settled in.

Newcomers Welcome Lunch

A chance to get to know some of our church family and staff team over a meal, and hear about our vision as a church. Any who have joined Christ Church Fulwood recently are welcome. Please let us know you are coming and any dietary requirements by signing up below!

Next date: Sunday 2nd March 2025, 12.45pm

Join us on Sunday

Join us for services at any of our services. No need to book! The morning service will also be live-streamed and will remain available to watch later.

Learning more about Christianity

If you’re new to Christianity or have big questions about your faith, apart from joining us on Sundays you might also like to join one of our courses for people exploring Christianity.

Getting involved

Join a Small Group

Small groups are a great way to get to know a group of people in the church family and begin to feel part of the wider church. Please come and talk to any member of the staff team at Christ Church Fulwood to find out how to join a small group.


One of the best ways to feel part of the church family is to become involved through service. We believe that every Christian has God given gifts that are to be used for the common good. While there are many different areas of ministry in our church family, and always many roles to be filled, we are more concerned that an individual finds the right place for them to be serving than we are about filling gaps that we have! Please get in touch if you’d like to serve! You can email us: admin@fulwoodchurch.co.uk

We are also linked to a number of ministries locally and beyond which you might like to get involved in: