Growing Gospel Shaped Lives

We run a number
of different events
for those in their
20s and 30s.

Small groups

We have small groups for people in their 20s and 30s. In these groups we will study the Bible, pray and share life together. These groups are particularly designed for people who are new to Fulwood or new to the age-range.

As a larger group

Alongside the small groups, we are also running events for anyone in their 20s and 30s, whether you are new or more established. These events will include: occasional seminars looking at particular issues facing 20s and 30s, social events, outreach events and a weekend away each year. In all of this, our aim is to be growing gospel shaped lives as we meet together and encourage one another.

Contact for 20s and 30s...

Pete Scamman​

Associate Vicar

Pete is married to Lorna and has been at Christ Church Fulwood since April 2014. He enjoys playing squash and golf, as well as going for walks in the hills.