Find out more about our PCC and who serves on it
What is the PCC?
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the governing body of Christ Church Fulwood.
Its legally defined role, together with the Vicar, is to “consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the Parish”.
The PCC’s functions include, “co-operation with the Vicar in promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church, pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical”[1].
It is made up of members of clergy, the churchwardens and members of the congregation who are elected to serve terms of office at each Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).
Elected members serve terms of office which normally last for 3 years.
Church of England Guidance describes the main roles of the PCC as follows[2]:
“Legally, the PCC is responsible for the finances of the parish. It also has ultimate responsibility for the care and maintenance of all church buildings and their contents… It has a voice in the forms of Service used by the church and may make representations to the bishop on matters that affect the welfare of the parish… The PCC and the incumbent have a duty of care to ensure the protection of the vulnerable in their church community”
The PCC is also a registered charity with the Charity Commission, and the PCC serve as Trustees of the charity.
The Christ Church Fulwood PCC normally meets 9 times a year, once a month on a Monday (apart from April, August and December).
Meetings are used to consider the minutes of Standing Committee and other sub-committees, to discuss proposals brought by the Vicar, Staff Team and others, to scrutinise decision making, to consider the financial health of the church, and to provide a line of accountability for the Vicar and Staff Team.
In addition, PCC meetings are attended by Heather Charlton, the other Parish Safeguarding Officer, in a non-voting capacity.
The Youth, Families and Children Workers also have an invitation to attend.
Who is on the PCC?
The Current PCC membership is as follows

Richard Clayton

Paul Dodd
Church WardenFinance Management Group Chair

Andy Donaldson

Jonny Dyer

Carolyn Edmonds

Emma Glaves
PCC Secretary

Emma Graham

Sally Hewson
Church WardenParish Safeguarding Officer

Karen Holmes
Dan Houghton

Paul Houghton
Deanery Synod

Liz Johnstone

Judith Jones

Rafa de Lima
Deanery Synod

Alison Linsky
Deputy Warden*
Staffing Sub-committee Chair
Phil McMinn

Willard Moore

Rob Mullock
Minister for Training*

Chris Nex
Deputy Warden, PCC Lay ChairMission Committee Chair

Jane Patterson
General Synod*

Susan Pereira

Stephen Rae
Director of Operations*

Roger Richardson

Gillis Robbie

Pete Scamman
Associate Vicar*

David Taylor
Andy Toward

Toby Vogelberg

Ronan Wade

Heather Wilson
Deanery Synod
How to contact the PCC
If you have something you wish to bring to the attention of the PCC, please fill out the form below. The form will be sent to an inbox which will be read by the PCC Secretary and Lay Vice Chair. Alternatively, if you would like to find out about other ways of giving feedback or raising concerns, see our Feedback and Complaints page, here.
These members are part of the PCC by reason of their role in the Church of England. Through Church of England rules, all clergy who are licensed by the Diocese to preach at Christ Church Fulwood are automatically members of the PCC, as are those who are elected to be the two Churchwardens.
Church of England rules allow the PCC to vote to allow a limited number of people per year to have a place on the PCC. This might be because a person has particular skills the PCC needs at that time, or to allow a Deputy Warden or other person whose term of office on the PCC has expired to continue serving. These members are “co-opted” by the PCC itself rather than elected through the APCM by the Church Congregation, and their co-option lasts only until the next APCM. The PCC needs to vote again each year if it wants to continue the co-option.
General Synod
This member is also ex-officio, and automatically part of the PCC through Church of England rules, by reason of their being elected to General Synod.
Denary Synod
These 3 members are elected once every 3 years at the APCM by the Church Congregation to be the Church’s lay (non-clergy) representatives at the Deanery Synod in the Sheffield Diocese, to discuss matters with other churches in that Deanery concerning the Diocese. Christ Church Fulwood is part of the Hallam Deanery. In addition to being Deanery Synod members, these 3 members are also automatically members of the PCC.
Casual vacancy
If a PCC member resigns or dies before the end of their 3 year term, or the APCM fails to elect enough people to fill the vacancies of the PCC at the APCM, this creates a casual vacancy. Church of England rules state that if the APCM is more than 2 months away when the vacancy is created, the PCC may vote at a PCC meeting amongst themselves to allow someone from the Congregation to take the place of the person who has left the PCC, and serve out what remains of their 3 year term. If the APCM is 2 months or less away from the time the vacancy is created, the Church Congregation votes at the APCM to allow someone from the Congregation to serve out the remainder of the 3 year term.