3 September

Sunday Service

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Justin Roberts


Psalm 110


These resources are also available from the homepage menu under the ‘Resources’ tab.


Keep checking our website and social media for the most recent updates of how we can continue to stay connected as a church family across Sheffield.

Get in touch

If you’ve joined us recently, we’d love to get to know you. Please get in touch to say hello so we can help you get involved with church life here.

New Mums

Fridays at 10.00-11.30am

A group for mums with babies under one year old. The group is an informal support group giving mums a chance to be together, discuss some of the pressures of having a new baby and the challenges of each stage.


Sundays during the 10.30am services

There is no longer a need to book the crèche. Just show up on a Sunday. Parents may leave their pre-school children and enjoy the service.